It's that time of the year again! The clock struck 2pm and the Dewey's 24 hour readathon has oficially began! I will be posting my progress here, on Twitter and on Instagram stories. Here we go! 3pm - I haven't done much reading actually... but i'm finally sitting down to make so progress on Beloved by Toni Morrison. It's a slow read but one I'm enjoying. 4: 49pm - read 53 pages of Beloved and reached part II of the book. I'm taking a break and then I'm gonna start 84 Charing Cross Road. 6: 04pm - decided to do a 40 min sprint and ended up reading 51 pages of 84, Charing Cross Road. It's such a lovely episotolary book. 8: 49pm - took a break to have some dinner and paint my toenails and watch some booktube. Then, will got back to my books. I have 70 pages left of Beloved and haven't read anymore of 84, Charing Cross Road but I'm planning on reading that one during the night. 10: 40pm - I finished 84, Charing Cro...