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Showing posts from January, 2021

All Boys Aren't Blue by George M. Johnson | 2021 Reads

  In All Boys Aren't Blue, George M. Johnson explores their identity as a Black Queer man while sharing their experiences growing up. Some chapters, I felt, were better thought-out than others and in general the writing was simple and easy to get through. I would have preferred a more mature writing style but since this is targeted towards teens/young people - which I have to say I didn't know prior - I kinda understand. Some things though felt repetitive. All in all, I enjoyed it as a whole and as the author said if one person in helped by them sharing their story then all will be worth it.  Follow

Cluny Brown by Margery Sharp | 2021 Reads

Cluny Brown by Margery Sharp is a fresh and light comedy with a deep critique of English social conventions of the 1930s. We follow Cluny, a girl who, according to the people around her, doesn't know what her place in the world is. However, she is not about to let others tell her what that place should be. She does what she wants even when her actions might be seen as outrageous and of course she always gets in trouble.  I found the story to be very endearing and I enjoyed the tone and rhythm throughout. The final chapters, in which we get both the peak of the tension and the resolution of the story, are absolutely fantastic.

Plain Bad Heroines by emily m. danforth | 2021 Reads

Plain Bad Heroines by emily m. danforth. I truly thought I would love this and I didn't. I enjoyed it and I am glad I read it but I will be lying if I said I am not disappointed. What I loved about this book was the first part of the story and Libby's storyline during the second part, as well as the atmosphere danforth managed to create throughout; but all in all, I expected more. Something was missing for me and I found the last chapter very underwhelming: I was expecting the two storylines (the present one and the past one) to fully merge but it felt like they never did so what was the point really? However, concerning my overall enjoyment of the story, I do think I am to blame, partially, for not giving it my full attention and instead reading it here and there. My enjoyment - and especially my engagement with the novel - would have been greater had I read it more consistently. Maybe it is one to reread in the future.

Territorio de luz by Yuko Tsushima | 2021 Reads

  Territorio de luz by Yuko Tsushima (translated into Spanish by Tana Oshima). Enjoyed this one as a whole and appreciated how raw the portrayal of single motherhood was and how both mother and daughter were affected by it.  It is a very disjointed narrative mainly because it was published, monthly, as a series of 12 stories in a magazine between 1978 and 1979, so there were chapters that I enjoyed more than others. Sometimes I was very invested and other times I was a tad bored. Despite its narrative structure not being completely to my taste, I have to say it was an interesting read - probably one which will get richer with a reread. Follow