April is over. Like, what is life? I hate May…. I’m sorry, it’s nothing personal but May is “exam-month” for me and it’s not fun. You will see me complain soon enough on both here and twitter once the dreadful exam dates approach… in the meantime, today’s post is dedicated to what I’ve read in April and a few more stuff because it’s nice to share a bit more than just books, innit? April was a good reading month for me. I’ve read 11 books (one on my phone, and that’s why is not in the picture… oops!) and some were nice and others were a disaster, let me tell you, but I’m still quite happy with it. I also took part in the Dewey’s 24 Hour Readathon for the first time and I had a lot of fun, truly. The biggest part of my reading was done the first two weeks of April. I picked a book right after the other; my mood at the time allowed it but then, something happened, which I would fangirl about later so stay tuned! I’m gonna try and be short about this and tell you my rating and why in ...