OCT, 5th - Finished Winter by Ali Smith and I have mixed feelings. Certain aspects of the novel I absolutely adored, specially the chaotic and disruptive dynamic between the characters as well as Smith's playfulness with language. However, I have the feeling that something about this novel escapes me: as if I had not been able to unravel all its secrets. I will be reading Spring as soon as the library loan comes through.
OCT, 8th - I have been reading Why We Sleep since late September and today I finally finished it. I have to say it was an enjoyable, fascinating and frustrating read (in regards to the second half). Despite being very accesible and easy to get through, this book has a big problem: lack of references. Also he kinda suggests that we should commercialise sleep in order for people and companies to care about sleep with full tracking and everything. I dunno, a few things rubbed me the wrong way. I enjoyed the beginning a lot, when he gives us general information about sleep, its different stages and what functions each one does and I was also interested in knowing the consequences lack of sleep has on our bodies and minds but at a certain point it all became really dark, very quickly, and it kinda gave anxiety. I think most people in general know how necessary sleep is for our bodies and minds, the problem is our way of living/working. What is the point of learning all the negative consequences of not getting enough sleep each night (cardiovascular problems, cancer, Alzheimer and several psychological problems) if there is no proper way of changing our sleeping pattern due to external factors? Don't get me wrong, I value my sleeping time and I will continue to do so but yeah, reading this book made me feel like we are all doomed.
OCT, 10th - Sundays are always my "look after myself" day of the week: it's when I forget about all responsibilities and spend all my time reading or watching youtube/tv. Today my main focus was again War&Peace, and I got a bit chunk of it read. However, since I know it's gonna take me til the end of the year to finish it, I will from now on update about it every time I hit a milestone. I also read a bit of Dune, and I am almost done with part ii. I have to say I really like the story but the writing is extremely dry and takes me ages to read a few pages. I am also one third of the way through Beautiful World, Where Are You and I have to say I am liking it so far. There is not a single functional character in that novel and I am here for it.
And that's all! I hope you have a wonderful week ahead and HAPPY READING!
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