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October 2015

October was… paradoxical. University started at the beginning of the month and I was so ready for it. I’m still ready for it and I’m loving every second but I’m drowned in work and I don’t even wanna think how my levels of stress will be in the next couple of months if they’re pretty bad right now. At least I’m enjoying what I’m doing so that’s okay, I guess.

The clocks have gone backwards and although autumn is my favourite season of the year, I dread the darkness. I feel the days are slipping away from my hands and it doesn’t help me de-stress. I go to my classes in the afternoon and it’s a bit daunting to leave the house when it’s already pitch black and I would rather be home, warm and on my pyjamas.

October has been a time to spend with friends and family. I’ve discovered a great crêperie in Madrid, near my favourite bookshop, where the crêpes are absolutely delicious and I’m counting down the days until I can go back again and eat my weight on crêpes filled with nutella. I’ve also been loving The Autumn Spotify playlist. It’s simply perfect.

In October I finished 10 books; 5 of them for fun – one of those a reread I much needed –  and the other 5 were required for Uni. Most were alright, two of them were a complete disappointment, one a disaster and another two slipped through directly to my favourite shelf. And I received in the mail the beautiful Illustrated Harry Potter edition which will be featured in an upcoming haul alongside other titles that have found a place in my bookshelves.

I have no idea what November will have in store. Christmas is almost here and although it doesn’t look like it here in Madrid I have the feeling the stressful shopping will begin soon enough. I’m not looking forward to that. Reading wise I know more or less what I want to read but everything can change for sure and that’s why I never do TBRs. I have started Frankenstein last night and that will held my attention for now. I also want to read The Secret History by Donna Tartt which is long overdue and maybe start A Brief History of Seven Killings, winner of the Man Booker this year. For Uni, several poems and short stories are what await me. The New Dress by Virginia Woolf and Goblin Market by Christina Rossetti among others.

How did October treat you? What are your plans for November? Are you excited for Christmas?


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