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Showing posts from September, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday # 5 (Books That Were Hard For Me To Read)

TOP TEN TUESDAY   is a weekly book meme hosted by   The Broke and The Bookish .  This Tuesday we are listing our top ten books that were hard for us to read and this topic doesn’t necessarily mean the books were horrible. No. It means that for one reason or another they were hard to read, but truly awesome at the same time. Or not. With each book I will explain why they made it to the list and also, I know I should be naming ten books but I couldn’t think of 10 so there are only 7 books today.

September Playlist!

By now you may know, or maybe not, that  music is a huge part of my life. I can’t live without her basically. It is my great companion. Ask anyone who knows me. I’m always with my headphones on, which is great when you are kind of an anti-social person. Or rather an introvert. So, what is all this rambling you might be wondering? Or maybe not since you’ve probably read the title… Well, I decided to start sharing with you guys what songs I’ve been listening during the month and if you like the idea I might make it a monthly thing, like a wrap-up or something. I’ll make a list of my 20 most listened songs. That way we can recommend each other music. Isn’t it great? Enough talking and more listing… A warning: there might be different songs from the same band or singer and they aren’t in any particular order. Also, they don’t have to be new releases or anything.

Ten Book Challenge Tag

Thank you so much Jess over at My Reading Dress  (go follow her!) for tagging me to do the Ten Book Challenge Tag. I thought this was gonna be a hard one to do but actually, the books titles emerged from my brain quite easily. This tag consists of: “All you need to do is list ten books that have stayed with you in some way. Do not take more than a few minutes, and do not think about it too hard. They do not have to be the 'right' books or great works of literature, just ones that have affected you in some way. Paste these instructions and tag ten friends. Be sure to let me know so that I can see your list!” Disclaimer here: it’s quite hard to tag 10 people so I may change that. Here my list of ten books: 

I Was A Teenage Ghost Hunter by Brian K. Henry

Title : I Was A Teenage Ghost Hunter Author : Brian K. Henry Pages : 271 (ebook) Publication Date : March 18th 2014 Publisher : Smashwords Summary : " Moody sixteen-year-old barista Devin Mulwray is doing his best to ignore bizarre manifestations at his job in the chilly Northern California town of Arcata. Already teased about his recurrent ‘phase-outs’, the last thing he needs is to get pegged as a guy who sees ghosts. It doesn’t help his state of mind that his boss is a sarcastic slacker, his single dad is always on the road with clients and local occult fan girl Nayra is spreading ‘ghost boy’ rumors about him online.  But when violent paranormal activity badly spooks teens at an abandoned estate, Devin’s pushed into investigating by his eccentric friends Clive, a budding composer, and Rex, a tech head excited by ghost hunting gadgetry. At first reluctant to get involved, Devin’s encouraged when Emily, one of the more empathetic girls at Grey Bluff High, is impressed with ...

Top Ten Tuesday # 4 (Books On My Fall To-Be-Read List)

TOP TEN TUESDAY   is a weekly book meme hosted by   The Broke and The Bookish   and this week I’m telling you my top 10 books that I want to read this fall. This is essentially my October/November TBR.

Book Haul # 2 Part 2

A week ago I posted the first part of a book haul and I promised you will get the second part as soon as possible so no more waiting! Here it is! All this books were purchased between the end of August/beginning of September. Wanna see some awesome books? Keep reading!

The Seven Deadly Sins of Reading Tag

The lovely Anna at Books, Quotes & Dimples tagged to do this tag which was created by BookishlyMalyza . There are seven questions related to the deadly sins and I had so much fun doing it so thank you so much Anna for tagging me ;) If you want to know my answers, keep reading!

Top Ten Tuesday # 3 (Authors I've Only Read One Book From But Need To Read More)

TOP TEN TUESDAY is a weekly book meme hosted by The Broke and The Bookish and today I’m gonna tell you some authors I’ve only read one book from but I need to read more. If you wanna know, keep reading!

Book Haul # 2 Part 1

With an ever growing TBR one might think I wouldn’t be buying more books any time soon but let’s be honest here, you all know that’s not gonna happen. One of the many consequences of being a “bookaholic” is that my brain doesn’t respond correctly when its rational part tells him not to press the buy-bottom. And that’s basically why we, or rather I, are in this situation: more and more books and less and less space on the shelves, but hey? At least I’m happy. No, seriously now guys, I am urgently in need of new shelves and the worst thing is that there is nowhere to put them and the book are stacked up wherever and it’s a little bit stressful to be honest. If you’ve read the title, you would have noticed that it says PART 1, yes dearies, it was impossible to fit all the books I wanted to show you in a single post without making it a never ending story so you get 2 posts. YAY! All the books featured in both posts have been accumulated since July. The ones in this first part...

Ready Player One by Ernest Cline

Title : Ready Player One Author : Ernest Cline Pages : 374 pages (paperback) Publisher : Arrow Books Publication Date : April 5th 2012 Summary : "Imagine the world at stake. An epic struggle between good and evil. The greatest quest in history. The fate of humanity resting in your hands. ARE YOU READY?" Are you mentally prepared for this? Because let me tell you, it is not short! Ready? Well, don’t say I didn’t warn you  ;)

The TBR Tag

Hello all! Today I bring you another tag! I was tagged by the lovely Kelly at BibliophileBliss to do the TBR tag. So as the name says, the next 10 questions will be about my To-Be-Read books, which is ridiculously humongous. Let’s do this! 

Top Ten Tuesday # 2 (Underrated Authors or Books in Different Genres)

TOP TEN TUESDAY  is a weekly book meme hosted by  The Broke and The Bookish This week topic was originally about one genre only but when starting the task of selecting the books I just couldn’t find 10 underrated books of one specific genre so I decided to mix it up a bit.  And also, this task was hard, incredibly hard.

The Book Blogger Test Tag

One day I came across with this tag on Rachel's blog A Perfection Called Books  and thought it could be a fun one and basically I decided to do it So if you want to know my answers, well then, keep reading!

Top Ten Tuesday # 1 (Book Characters That Would Be Sitting At My Lunch Table)

TOP TEN TUESDAY is a weekly book meme hosted by The Broke and The Bookish with a different topic every week. This is my first top ten Tuesday and I have to admit I love this week’s theme: “Book Characters That Would Be Sitting At My Lunch Table” . So basically I have to pick ten characters to make my perfect lunch table… This should be fun! Here we go: