This Tuesday
we are listing our top ten books that were hard for us to read and this topic
doesn’t necessarily mean the books were horrible. No. It means that for one
reason or another they were hard to read, but truly awesome at the same time. Or
not. With each book I will explain why they made it to the list and also, I
know I should be naming ten books but I couldn’t think of 10 so there are only
7 books today.

- Branded by Abi Ketner & Missy Kalicicki. Well, well, well this is the perfect example of a very childish YA, at least for me. The plot had a lot of potential but something ruined it for me: the main protagonist. She was so unbearable and it made my reading quite slow. Also, loads of eye-rolling didn’t help either. It doesn’t mean the book is bad and there are a lot of people out there that truly loves the book but is true as well that those people are younger than I am. Basically, I have the feeling that this is too much of a YA book for a 23-year-old if you know what I mean.
- The Princess Bride by William Goldman. Please, don’t kill me but I went into this book with loads of expectations and they were brutally crushed *insert all the sad faces in the world*. Really, there is no one that mourns me not liking the book more than, well, me. It was weirder than I thought it would be. There were some very good parts but overall it was hard for me to read and I kept putting it down all the time. I haven’t seen the movie yet (again, don’t judge) but I will.
- Starcrossed by Josephine Angelini. I had the same problem that I had with Branded. The main protagonist was so annoying I’m quite surprised I didn’t throw this book to a wall (I thought about it though… multiple times). I love me so Greek mythology and everyone seemed to rave about the book but having a super irritating main character doesn’t help when it comes to reading. Thank goodness for the supporting characters (I do plan on reading the next two books in the trilogy but give me time).
- MILA 2.0 by Debra Driza. This book was hard for me to read because I found it really boring throughout the entire story. The end was good though but I don’t know if it would be enough for me to read the next book in the series. Another reading slump is not worth it.

- The Casual Vacancy by J. K. Rowling. “Horror!” is what I thought while reading this book. Meaning that I did not enjoy this book and I couldn’t believe I wasn’t enjoying a book by one of my favourite authors… I found this book pointless. Too many stories and too many things unexplained. It took me almost a month to read this…. Draw your own conclusions.
- City of Bones by Cassandra Clare. I have the feeling a lot of people will agree with me on this one. It was hard to read for me at the beginning but I end up loving it in the end and it's now one of my favourite series of all time. I first read this book in Spanish and the translation was horrible… No, it was worse than horrible. But I kept reading and I got used to the translation. Side note: I’ve read this again in English and freaking loved it for the beginning so I blame the translation into Spanish for making it so hard for me to read.
- Feast for Crows by George R.R Martin. This book is good. Very good but is the least favourite of all the series for me. I had the feeling not a lot of things happened throughout the story, only at the end of it. But I have an explanation for me having difficulties while reading the book: I finished Storm of Swords and immediately after I picked it up Feast for Crows. Big mistake. Storm of Swords is packed with action and loads of stuff happened while Feast for Crows is more like setting the way for more things to come in the future books. I don’t know if you understand what I’m trying to say but if you are expecting, like me, this book to be just like Storm of Swords, don´t. It would only ruin your reading experience. Confession time here: I fell asleep reading this book. NEVER IN MY LIFE HAVE I THOUGHT THAT COULD HAPPEN TO ME. I FEEL UTTERLY ASHAMED BY THIS FACT.
What books
did you find hard to read? Let me know!
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