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Liebster Award Round 2

I already did a Liebster Award post last year but I thought about doing a Round 2 since both Jay and Yvonne had nominated me in these past weeks and it’s always fun to answer some questions. Thank you, girls! Before answering their questions here are their blogs: Books byJay and A World Between Folded Pages so please go check them out and of coure, follow them! :)

The Rules
1. Link back the person that nominated you
2. Answer the questions given by the nominator(s)
3. Nominate 11 other amazing bloggers with less than 200 followers
4. Create 11 questions for the nominees
5. Notify all nominees via social media/blogs

Since I’ve already done this before and I know how hard is to come up with 11 questions and 11 nominees, I will only answer Jay’s and Yvonne’s questions. I hope you don’t mind ^^


1. What is your favourite genre of music?
Tough question since I don’t have only one. I enjoy Instrumental music a lot, as well as Symphonic Music (like Nightwish and whatnot) but I also love listening to music like Imagine Dragons or Passenger.

2. How many books are on your TBR?
Emm… like 170 something, give or take. I’m happy with this number since for a long time it was over 200. I know it is a lot but I don’t mind.

3. What is your favourite book/series?
HARRY POTTER, hands down!

4. Which book intimidates you?
Probably Anna Karenina or Les Misérables. Although I wanna read both, those many pages scare me a lot.

5. If you were to be given a book as a gift, which one would you like to receive?
Again, tough question! But probably The Heirloom Collection of all The Complete Novels of Jane Austen. Look at it! It’s beautiful! They come with illustrations. It’s an impressive box-set.

6. Do you like classics, if so, which one is your favourite?
I love reading classics and I wanna do it more often. My favourite without a doubt is Jane Eyre but I also need to include The Catcher in the Rye in this.

7. What is the one thing that you don’t leave your house without? (Other than your phone or money)
My book, no kidding here. No matter what, I don’t leave the house without a book even if I know I won’t have time to read it.

8. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
I want to be working on a publishing house. That is my ultimate dream but as long as what I do involves books, I’ll be happy. I also want to get a PhD in Literature so I hope I’ll be done with that in 10 years time *fingers crossed*

9. What would you like to do as a living?
Anything book related. But, as I said on question 8, I would love to be working on a publishing house.

10. What is your biggest bookish pet peeve?
Dog-eared books…. C’mon, bookmarks exist for a reason. Broken spines make me cringe but I can deal with that better. Sometimes it is inevitable breaking a spine… UK paperbacks are the living proof of that!

11. Describe yourself in 3 words.
Introvert, weird and annoyingly enthusiastic. The last one means I get so so excited with things I love and then people don’t get me and I feel alone in the word and yeah…


1. If you could interview one author, who would it be?
How am I supposed to pick just one? That’s not fair! I guess I would love to interview J.K. Rowling.

2. How do you organize your bookshelves?
I don’t. My bookshelves are a mess. One is indeed a rainbow, but on the others I don’t follow a system. Two of them are organize as read/unread and then by size. And then I have books scattered all over my house. I drive my parents and sisters insane. I need another bookshelf… alas! There is no more space so yeah.

3. If you could live the life of any character from any book, who would you choose?
Pufff… Tyrion Lannister. Odd choice, I know, but I would love to know what is going on inside his intelligent mind.

4. Which genre do you read most/least? Why?
My most read genres are fantasy and historical fiction. Reading about new worlds and magic is what makes me love fantasy so much and about historical fiction… it’s a good way to know about history but with made up characters. My least read genre is contemporary. And I do read quite a few of those, normally during the summer because they are easy reads and fluffy but it’s not a genre I love very much.

5. What’s your favourite quote?
“We read to know that we are not alone” William Nicholson. Funny enough most people believe this was said by C.S. Lewis when in truth it was written by Nicholson for the movie Shadowlands.

6. What do you like most about blogging?
Connecting with people who share the love for reading as much as I do.

7. Who’s your ultimate book boyfriend? One you’d choose over all the others.
Yes, Yvonne, this is mean! To answer this I will pick the first character I considered my book boyfriend. This way is easier. That honor goes to Dimitri Belikov from The Vampire Academy series.

8. What’s your opinion on cover changes in series? Does it bother you?
It doesn’t bother me…. IT INFURIATES ME TO NO END! What’s the need? I will never understand it.

9. You and your books are trapped in a room when suddenly a zombie walks in and tries to eat your brain… what’s the first book you’d grab to smash that zombie’s brain?
I can choose so many for that hahahaha but my pick will be 50 Shades of Grey and yes, I’ve read the entire trilogy and yes, I can say it’s the shittiest thing ever written.

10. What do you prefer – bookstores or libraries?
I prefer libraries but I cannot use them. You see, I live in Spain and I read in English and libraries near my town have no English books so I have to use bookstores, or rather the Internet since there are two or three English bookstores in Madrid and they aren’t near where I live so Amazon/Bookdepository it is!

11. If you could have one supernatural power/ability, what would it be?
Does anyone know who Piper is? From Charmed? I wanted to be her so badly when that show was on. The ability to stop time? Yes, please! I will get so much stuff done.

All questions have been answered. I had a lot of fun!
Thank you again girls ^^


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