I find the
topic a bit harsh because, you know… never say never. It’s true there are
millions of books out there that I’ll never read. A lifetime is not enough
sometimes. I was gonna upload this straightaway after coming home from my
doctor’s appointment but I decided to do a bit of a disclaimer. I’ve been reading
tweets about how hateful this week TTT posts are turning out to be. First of
all, we need to take into account the reasons why a certain person decides to
not read a book. However, we also need to take into account that others can be
hurt by our opinions. So, before getting down to business I wanna apologize if
you like any of the books I’m gonna talk about. Neither the book nor the author
will be bashed. My two main reasons to build up this list are: one, I didn’t
like the first book in the series so I won’t be continuing it or two, I lost
interest in it.

- Never Fade by Alexandra Bracken. I read The Darkest Minds back in the summer last year and although the ending intrigued me (I was not expecting it at all!), the book did little for me. It didn’t wowed and I was expecting it to. All reviewers, all around both Booktube and Blogosphere, were raving about it and I didn’t get why. I never felt connected to the story because I didn’t really like the writing style so yeah, I won’t be continuing with this series.
- Gameboard of the Gods by Richelle Mead. I saw this one ages ago at my local bookstore and since I loved The Vampire Academy series I thought this could be good. I will be honest and say I didn’t even try to read a page. I lost interest in it and so it is not gonna happen. They’re millions and millions of books out there I am truly interested in reading.
- The Rose Society by Marie Lu. The same reasoning as with Never Fade applies. I read The Young Elites in April and for whatever reasons (to be soon explored in my full review) I didn’t enjoy it as much as I thought I would and let me tell you, it saddened me since I loved The Legend series by Lu.
- Wandering Star by Romina Russell. Can’t you feel a theme with this list? Zodiac was one big disappointment this year. I was so ready to love it and it never happened so I’m afraid I’m saying goodbye to this series as well. The cover looks so gorgeous though.

- The Mists of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley. Okay, I will try and write down my reasons for this choice without being too hateful. You’ll understand in a minute. The Mists of Avalon is probably one of the most famous books regarding Arthurian retellings. I was so ready for it. I loved the movie when I was younger (it was always on TV) but I recently read some news that made me just throw this book in the bin, metaphorically speaking (even though I could have actually done it….). In 2014 she and her husband were accused of sexual abuse by her daughter, who was molested from the age of 3 to 12. I think I’ve said enough. It’s true also her publisher now donates every income from her e-book sales to Save the Children but still, I don’t think I will ever be able to pick up one of her books knowing this.
- Brisingr by Christopher Paolini. I read Eragon and Eldest when I was 13 and 14 respectively and I had to wait ages for Brisingr to come out. When it did I didn’t remember much at all about the story and I didn’t feel like re-reading the first two books. I know the ending to the saga though and I’m glad I didn’t continue on because I was not happy with the outcome.
- The Dark Artifices & The Last Hours by Cassandra Clare. I loved TMI and TID but I’ve had enough. Clare is, in my opinion, simply milking the cow with these two new series and I’m sorry but I won’t read anymore shadowhunters’ adventures. I’m happy with what I got and it’s time to move on. The last thing I will read though are the bind-ups of Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy because it features my favourite character from the TMI series and are short stories. But that’s it.

- Destined for Doon by Carey Corp and Lorie Langdon. Another super hyped up book thanks to BookTube that is, as of right now, the worst book I’ve read this year. I think it was too much YA-ish for me and it irritated me to no end. Seriously, I don’t even know why I didn’t DNF it. I should have done it and saved up my time.
- The 5th Wave by Rick Yancey. The film is coming out sometime in the future and I think I will watch it but I’ve lost all interest in the book and the trilogy as a whole. This is probably the only one from this list that I could give it another chance. I’ve heard amazing things about it, not so much about the sequel but we’re not talking about The Infinite Sea here. So there is hope.
Those are
my ten picks! What books are you sure you aren’t gonna be reading in the
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