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Hearts to Follow by Dana Burkey

Title: Hearts to Follow
Author: Dana Burkey
Pages (format): 137 pages (e-book)
Publication Date: October 2014
Publisher: Self-published

I received this book from the author, Dana Burkey, in exchange of an honest review. Heart to Follow contains three novellas and I have to say they were cute and highly enjoyable. They were very fast-paced, as novellas normally are, and I honestly had a terrific time reading them. Oh, the three novellas are connected, which I didn't know at the beginning but I loved it anyhow =)

Just Pretending, the first novella was about Cam, a girl who has had a crush on Nick for over a year because they spent a whole summer together hanging out. But then, he's back with his girlfriend and Josh, Cam's friend, makes a plan to get the two together. It was a fun and lovely read. I really liked Josh and how loyal he was to Cam.

Rating: 3.5 deathly hallows

Changed?, the second novella was about a girl named Summer and how she struggled with friends and emotions during her school year. I can really tell more without spoiling a bit. So yeah! I enjoy this one a bit more than I did Just Pretending. I loved Summer because she always made the right decision and she was always true to herself.

Rating: 4 deathly hallows

Stage Lights, the last and third novella focused on Tessa, one of Summer's friends, and this one surprised me greatly. It's true the previous stories were a bit predictable and I thought this one was gonna be as well but no! It didn't end the way I thought it would and I'm happy than Dana Burkey surprised me. Also, as the title says this is focused a bit on the theater and Shakespeare. What can go wrong?

Rating: 4 deathly hallows

The overall rating is 3.8 deathly hallows but I'm just upgrading it to 4 because I had a blast reading them. It was very easy to relate and care for all of the characters even when the novellas were written in 1st person and sometimes that makes me only really care or hate the person who’s telling the story. The three novellas were short and fluffy (in a good way, of course) and I highly recommend them to anyone who likes contemporary novels or just simply wanna read something which is at the same time short and really nice. And again, thank you to Dana for letting me read her novellas.

Final rating:


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