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Top Ten Tuesday # 11 (Ten Characters I Wish Would Get Their Own Book)

TOP TEN TUESDAY is a weekly book meme hosted by The Broke and The Bookish.

How many times do we read books and find the side characters more endearing than the protagonists? I do, quite a few times. I don't know why but sometimes they are awesome and you just wish there could be more pages dedicated to them. I tend to daydream about their history before what happened in the books and about their fates later on. And I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one who does this, right? RIGHT? You should know by now that I’m weird #SorryNotSorry

So this week’s topic is all about those side characters you wish would get their own book. While making this list I had a few problems because saying the initial list was long will be quite the understatement. But, I managed to reduce it to ten! Without further ado, here it is:


  • Luc from The Lux Series. He’s a 14-year-old little psychopath…. Who, in their right mind, wouldn’t want to know more about his life, not only before The Lux series but also after? I mean, I’ll be delighted to get inside his mind, to be honest, and also read about how he got where he was.
  • Magnus Bane from The Mortal Instruments. I know Cassandra Clare has released several novellas about him, which I haven’t read because I’m waiting for the bind-up book to come out, and he was also in The Infernal Devices but I still wanna know how his childhood was, how he became the High Warlock in Brooklyn and so on. And he is, alongside Simon and Isabelle, my favourite character of TMI and he’s sassy and witty and you know I’m up for all that jazz.
  • Murtagh from The Inheritance Cycle. Okay, confession time here: I haven’t finished this series. I gave up after the second book. I tried to read the third but I couldn’t (this is one of the few books I’ve DNFed) mostly because I didn’t remember everything from the previous two books. Anyhow, Murtagh was one of my favourite characters and he was so mysterious I wish he could have his own book to know his life before he appeared in Eragon. And maybe in book 3 and 4 we learn more about him but I just can’t be bothered to read them now, not gonna lie.
  • Thomas from The Anna Dressed in Blood duology. I said this in my October Wrap-up, but Thomas was what made me keep reading Girl of Nightmares, so he had to be in this list. I’ll love to read a book focused on him. How he learnt to use magic and what he did after the duology was over.


  • Wesley from The Archived. Sassy Wesley. He was a perfect male character for me. Such an amazing friend to Mackenzie. He was there for her, no matter what. But speaking frankly, I wish we could get to meet him a little bit more. We are getting a novella from his point of view *dances the conga* and a third book *still dances the conga* but I just wish we could know how he dealt with the whole Archived business when he was a child. I don’t know if you are sensing a pattern here but with most of my choices I just want to know their previous lives.
  • The Mad Hatter from Alice in Wonderland. I can’t help it. I feel drawn to this character. He’s just too weird and I wanna know more about him. That’s all.
  • Jaqen H’ghar from Game of Thrones. If you’ve read A Clash of Kings, you know who I’m talking about. Jaqen is such a mesmerizing character and the reader can’t help but love him and I can’t lie when I say I want a book just about him. About his life. And then, they could do a TV show only about him? With Tom Wlaschiha reprising his role? Can that be a thing? Pretty please!


  • Mr. Knightley from Emma. In this case I’ll give any penny I have to read Emma in Mr. Knightley’s point of view and see how he feels not only about her as a person but also about her actions.
  • Patrick from The Perks of Being a Wallflower. It’s no secret that Patrick might be one of the best side characters ever. Wouldn’t it be great to see what happened with him after Perks ended? I know it will!
  • Max Vandenburg from The Book Thief. I want to know how his life was before The II World War and after it ended. 

These are the chosen ten to feature in this week’s TTT. What do you think? Would you like to read about these ones? Or not? Who were your picks? I wanna know!


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