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Top Ten Tuesday # 12 (Top Ten Sequels I Can't Wait To Get)

TOP TEN TUESDAY is a weekly book meme hosted by The Broke and The Bookish.

This week is all about those sequels we can't wait the get (but I'm positive you knew that already with the title, duh? LOL). Anyways, today's post is gonna be short and not very much explanatory about why I chose these ten mainly because I'm doing this in a rush but for a few I will fangirl all over. I wasn't planning on doing TTT this week because Uni is getting quite extreme but then again, this is the only post I do no matter what so yeah, here it is!

The Winds of Winter & A Dream of Spring by G.R.R. Martin. Books 6 and 7 of the Song of Ice and Fire series. I just can’t wait any longer! And I know I’ll have to wait years and years to get them. Also, Martin has hinted the possibility of an eighth book…. I’m not okay with this. I’m pretty sure he’s gonna die before he can conclude the series. LE SIGH

Saga Vol.2 by Brian K. Vaughan & Fiona Staples. Volume 1 was the first graphic novel I’ve ever read and even though it was weird it was amazing!

Silver Shadows by Richelle Mead. I still have to read The Fiery Heart but that is gonna happen this December, so I can wait to get my hands on Silver Shadows to be ready for The Ruby Circle!

Untitled (The Archived #3) by Victoria Schwab. This doesn’t even have a title yet but I just don’t really care. I NEED THIS LIKE I NEED AIR TO BREAT HE!

Hollow City by Ramson Riggs. I just need to know what will happen next.

Salt & Stone by Victoria Scott. Same as above.  

Half-Blood by Jennifer L. Armentrout. Okay, this isn’t technically a sequel but I’ve read Daimon, which is the prequel novella so we are gonna pretend Half-Blood is a sequel, okay? Good!

Isla and the Happily Ever After by Stephanie Perkins. There is no need to explain this one, now isn’t there?

Fire with Fire by Jenny Han & Siobhan Vivian. I read the first one, and really liked it. I wanna know where the story will go.

And that's it for another week! Have you read any of these? Would you like to? Also, link your TTTs! I love to read them =)


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