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Top Ten Tuesday # 10 (Ten Books I Want To Re-Read)

TOP TEN TUESDAY is a weekly book meme hosted by The Broke and The Bookish.

Re-reading is, personally for me, one of the greatest pleasures of reading. Some don’t do it because why would you re-read something when there are so many books out there waiting to be read? However, it’s true as well that I don’t re-read every single book I read; only those that are special to me. Crafting this list was difficult because there are so many I wanted to feature here but only these next ten made it.

  • Wonder by R. J. Palacio. This book is bound to be my favourite read of 2014 (and one of my favourites of all time, not gonna lie there) but I’m pretty sure this one wasn’t a shocker for anyone. I mean, I take every opportunity I have to rave about it. Haven’t you read it? Do it now!
  • Harry Potter by J. K. Rowling. Shocker! Hahaha I’ve re-read HP quite a few times now. Three in Spanish and three in English and I honestly can’t help myself. There are moments during the year that I feel the urge to do so, especially when it’s winter. I don’t know why, but my body/brain ask me to do it, and hey! I’m happy to obey. C’mon, it’s Harry Potter!
  • Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë. One of my favourite classics. I love this book to pieces and since I read it I’ve wanted to do it again. I’m waiting though because I know I’ll have to read it for Uni and that moment is as good as any to do so.
  • The Book Thief by Marcus Zusak. What a masterpiece of a book. The writing style and how the story was told blew me away and so I need to re-read this just to fall in love over and over again with Liesel and her story.
  • The Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger. You may or may not know how much this book means to me because it helped me out when I wasn’t the best version of myself and so I feel like I have to re-read this for two reasons. One, remembering how I used to feel back there and how I feel now; and second, to see if it has the same impact on me and how it makes me feel now.

  • Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell. The first and only book I’ve read by her (so far) and I loved it so much. The hype was very high but it exceeded my expectations. I felt connected to the characters immediately and had a very fun time reading this one so a re-read it’s in order.
  • The Archived & The Unbound by Victoria Schwab. This duology is one of my favourites and since Victoria is releasing a novella this next January from Wesley’s POV *dances the conga like there is no tomorrow* I want to re-read this to be ready. I mean, I remember everything that happened in those books and I probably don’t need to re-read them but who cares? I want to.
  • The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky. Another book I love with a passion. I found Charlie to be such a great male protagonist and even though I haven’t gone through the same experiences I just felt like someone I will be friends with. I don’t know how to explain it but this book was awesome and I want to re-read it for the third time just because.
  • The Neverending Story by Michael Ende. I read this one centuries ago and I do know that I liked it a lot but I’ve also forgotten so much about the story that I’ve always wanted to pick it up again. Don’t know when that would happen though.
  • Percy Jackson and the Olympians by Rick Riordan. In October I said goodbye to Percy and I’m still trying to come to terms about it but I know I’ll re-read this in the future. I did love The Heroes of Olympus series a lot but the first series was the beginning and I need to read the pure awesomeness that those books are.

That’s my list! Do you guys re-read? Yes? No? Why? Let me know!


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